Patrick Bulger is an experienced journalist and editor. He has worked as Sunday Times assistant editor and Business Day executive editor, among other positions.
‘Made in China’ growth model is a factory of tears
Thuli would have Cyril look to China for guidance on building the economy, which is fine if you don’t value freedom
No refusing marriages of inconvenience to uninvited suitors
Coalitions will be with us for some time and, who knows, they might just serve us better than what’s gone before
Beyond a whiter shade of pale as De Ruyter flogs dead horse that’s Eskom
Some want him in, some want him out, while the EFF, well the EFF just wants to ‘moer’ him for ‘moering’ Eskom
Local is lekker, but hands off our Beemers and Cartiers!
Hats off to Treasury for protecting SA-produced cement, but it would help if such measures extended to luxury goods
Let the people’s voice be heard when councils get that spending feeling
The R15m sports facility is just another example of ANC profligacy gone mad
PATRICK BULGER | Not very smart to let our towns and cities die a painful death
Before it builds its utopia, perhaps the ANC should give some thought to the dystopias SA’s existing cities have become
Caught between unpopular Covid truths and winning local elections
Political parties will no doubt manipulate the pandemic’s impact to suit their own agendas
PATRICK BULGER | Bolsonaro says it’s arrest or death. Sound familiar?
The appetite among our Brics friends for a democratic order has dissipated. SA alone stands firm – barely
SA can learn lessons from China, but let’s make sure they’re the right ones
We are fixated on the first-world parts of our economy, whereas it’s in the informal sector that growth potential ...
PATRICK BULGER | Killing the Boer, cockroaches, little frogs — and free speech
Malema, AfriForum should take their absurdities elsewhere and leave Equality Court to those who need its services more ...