SHAW Ursula (Turse) formerly JACOBSEN (nee Smith)

SHAW Ursula (Turse) formerly JACOBSEN (nee Smith)

Formerly of Debera trading station, Engcobo district and Cambridge East London, passed away peacefully in Tauranga, New Zealand, on 26 June 2023 at the age of 93, cocooned in love and surrounded by her grieving family. Deeply mourned and sadly missed by Veronica (Vonca) and Grant, Martin (Tiny) and Janet, 5 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren as well as step children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and extended family.

The memorial service will be held at St George’s Anglican Church, Tauranga on Saturday 22nd July at 6am SAST and will be live-streamed for details call 083 2549604.


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