Authorities have confirmed to TshisaLIVE that the woman who levelled allegations of rape against two well-known SA artists has opened a rape case and the matter is currently under investigation.
The allegations came to light earlier this week after a woman took to Twitter to detail the alleged incident. This sparked a widespread debate among South Africans on social media.
In an interview with TshisaLIVE, the woman, who requested her name not be published, confirmed she had opened a case of rape at Sunnyside police station on January 13.
She said the alleged rape occurred in 2011 at a chillas (small party) she attended with a friend, who was apparently invited by one of the DJs.
At the time, she was a second-year student at the University of Pretoria, where she was studying towards a Bachelor of commerce qualification.
“First, I want to make it clear I was not some kind of stocko or whatsoever people call girls organised to entertain the DJs. I was simply accompanying a friend to a chillas, and that’s where the whole thing happened,” the woman told TshisaLIVE.
Due to legal reasons and the pending police investigation, she could not divulge further details.
Popular SA DJ claims rape allegation is 'false and hurtful', while alleged victim opens police case
TshisaLIVE Editor
Image: 123RF/canjoena
Authorities have confirmed to TshisaLIVE that the woman who levelled allegations of rape against two well-known SA artists has opened a rape case and the matter is currently under investigation.
The allegations came to light earlier this week after a woman took to Twitter to detail the alleged incident. This sparked a widespread debate among South Africans on social media.
In an interview with TshisaLIVE, the woman, who requested her name not be published, confirmed she had opened a case of rape at Sunnyside police station on January 13.
She said the alleged rape occurred in 2011 at a chillas (small party) she attended with a friend, who was apparently invited by one of the DJs.
At the time, she was a second-year student at the University of Pretoria, where she was studying towards a Bachelor of commerce qualification.
“First, I want to make it clear I was not some kind of stocko or whatsoever people call girls organised to entertain the DJs. I was simply accompanying a friend to a chillas, and that’s where the whole thing happened,” the woman told TshisaLIVE.
Due to legal reasons and the pending police investigation, she could not divulge further details.
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Police spokesperson Capt Mavela Masondo confirmed the existence of the case to TshisaLIVE on Thursday.
“As per case the number you provided, I can confirm a case of rape was opened at Sunnyside police station and is under investigation. No arrests have been made,” he said.
Due to legal reasons the suspects' names cannot be published until they appear in court and have pleaded.
When approached for comment by TshisaLIVE earlier this week, one of the DJs issued a statement against the allegations, labelling them as “hurtful and false”.
“I am aware assertions have been made about me on social media and I understand this is often the price of being in the public eye. The fact that these claims are untrue and from an unknown source does not make them less hurtful.
“Furthermore, I am deeply concerned that spurious allegations about gender-based violence (GBV) — especially as it is one of the most significant societal challenges in SA — undermine the gravity of legitimate incidents, and impact the urgency with which they are attended. Each time someone succumbs to the temptation of using GBV to further personal agendas, the cause to eradicate this scourge takes a step backwards.”
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The DJ advised victims of “genuine” GBV to take the matter to law enforcement authorities.
Following police confirmation of the case, TshisaLIVE’s attempts to get an updated comment from the alleged suspect drew a blank.
Multiple attempts to get comment from the second DJ were unsuccessful as his management had not responded to written enquiries at the time of publishing this article.
Acting CEO of Primedia Broadcasting Geraint Crwys-Williams, where both DJs are employed, said it would apply a rigorous evaluation of the allegations against the implicated artists.
“We take these matters extremely seriously and apply a rigorous, systematic internal process to assess them. We are awaiting substantiation of the current information from the authorities. Once we have this, we will respond accordingly,” Geraint told TshisaLIVE.
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