A tenant and two others allegedly fatally stabbed a landlord over an outstanding rental payment in Ottawa, north of Durban, on Sunday.
Reaction Unit SA (Rusa) director Prem Balram said the landlord lived on Riverview Road.
“A resident of Riverview Road contacted Rusa at around 2.36pm after she heard about the murder. On arrival reaction officers discovered Verulam police in attendance.
“It was established the property owner demanded outstanding payment for rental when a verbal altercation ensued. The tenant left the property and returned with two other men. They allegedly stabbed the victim many times before they fled the scene on foot,” Balram said.
He said other tenants on the property heard the victim calling for help when he was attacked.
“They contacted law enforcement for assistance,” he said.
KZN tenant ‘kills landlord over rent dispute’
Senior reporter
Image: supplied
A tenant and two others allegedly fatally stabbed a landlord over an outstanding rental payment in Ottawa, north of Durban, on Sunday.
Reaction Unit SA (Rusa) director Prem Balram said the landlord lived on Riverview Road.
“A resident of Riverview Road contacted Rusa at around 2.36pm after she heard about the murder. On arrival reaction officers discovered Verulam police in attendance.
“It was established the property owner demanded outstanding payment for rental when a verbal altercation ensued. The tenant left the property and returned with two other men. They allegedly stabbed the victim many times before they fled the scene on foot,” Balram said.
He said other tenants on the property heard the victim calling for help when he was attacked.
“They contacted law enforcement for assistance,” he said.
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