Traffic officers, police intercept bakkie carrying 900kg of dagga

Compressed bags of dagga were packed into a large container.
Compressed bags of dagga were packed into a large container.
Image: Supplied

Traffic officers and police intercepted a bakkie transporting nearly a tonne of compressed cannabis worth an estimated R7m in the Western Cape at the weekend. 

The bust followed a tip-off received in October about a planned drug shipment. 

“Early on Saturday provincial traffic officers intercepted a bakkie carrying 900kg of cannabis with an estimated value of R7.1m during a joint operation with the crime intelligence unit of the police service,” said provincial mobility MEC Ricardo Mackenzie. 

“The bakkie was pulled off the N1 at the Meirings Park crossing in Worcester and found to contain compressed bags of cannabis packed inside a large container. The two occupants of the vehicle were arrested.” 

Mackenzie said the takedown demonstrated the power of collaborative enforcement. 

Provincial traffic inspectors stopped and checked 35,823 vehicles, issued 10,585 fines, impounded 20 vehicles and discontinued an additional 197 for being unroadworthy.



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